
Digital marketing software, techniques and trends are constantly evolving. So we’ve made a space where you can find fresh industry news regularly!

Our blog offers insights into web design, web development, SEO, social media, paid advertising and more. From Google updates to new social media platforms, you’re in the right place.

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Talking Social Media at Staffordshire Chambers Of Commerce

Talking Social Media at Staffordshire Chambers Of Com...

Talking Social Media at Staffordshire Chambers of Commerce On Tuesday 19th November, we had the pleasure of attending a Marketing…

Is Social Media Working For Your Business?
Social Media

Is Social Media Working For Your Business?

Like it or loathe it, social media isn’t going anywhere. In recent weeks, Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat have announced new…

All I Want For Christmas is a Sales Boost!

All I Want For Christmas is a Sales Boost!

Much like winter in Game of Thrones, Christmas is coming. And making sure your business is prepared with a solid…

Looking back to the Penguin Algorithm Update

Looking back to the Penguin Algorithm Update

Google releases changes to its algorithm almost every day. Sometimes these are minor, tiny tweaks which go unnoticed. At other…

Are You Doing Enough to Gain Conversions?

Are You Doing Enough to Gain Conversions?

How can we get more business online? A question that business owners of all sizes have asked themselves over and…

Could Your Website Be Holding Your Business Back?

Could Your Website Be Holding Your Business Back?

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again, digital marketing is a fast paced industry. With this in mind,…